Voluntary severance pay in the hospital public service (VSP)

Verified 28 June 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you a hospital public servant and your job is being terminated due to a service reorganization? If you choose to resign as a result, you can receive a voluntary severance package provided you meet certain conditions.

You can receive a voluntary severance payment if the following 2 conditions are met:

  • Your job is deleted and your workplace is changed due to a service reorganization
  • You choose to resign accordingly

Voluntary severance pay can be granted to you if you are a public servant, trainee or incumbent.

It may also be granted to you if you are a contractor and your recruitment is justified by the nature of your duties or the needs of the service. This is particularly the case when there are no bodies of hospital officials corresponding to your duties. This can also be the case when it comes to functions newly taken over by the administration or requiring highly specialized technical knowledge.

You must meet all of the following conditions:


you are in a position of employment and can receive the voluntary severance pay if you are on sick leave.

You must send a request for resignation and payment of the compensation. The application must be accompanied by all supporting documents. It must be addressed to the head of the school.

Voluntary severance pay is not a right. It is paid to you on condition that your resignation is accepted by your head of establishment. He must reply to you within a month of your request.

The head of the school examines your request for resignation according to the needs of the service and after an interview with you on your motives.

The development of a specific personal project may be an advantage over other claims, but it does not guarantee the payment of compensation.

Before accepting the resignation, the head teacher must ensure that you meet all the conditions required to receive the severance pay.

If your resignation and your claim for compensation is refused, you can enter the HEADING: titleContent.

The amount of the allowance depends on your seniority and your gross index salary held the day before your resignation if you are a civil servant (or your gross salary if you are a contract employee).

Tableau - Calculation of the amount of the voluntary severance pay in the FPH

Duration of services

Amount of compensation

Between 5 and 14 years

12 months gross index salary or gross salary

From 15 to 19

16 months gross index salary or gross salary

From 20 to 24

20 months gross index salary or gross salary

25 years and older

26 months gross index salary or salary

The gross amount of the compensation may not, however, exceed €45,734.71.

The voluntary severance pay is subject to the following contributions:

It is not taxable.

You must not be re-recruited as a probationary official or contract agent in the public service (State, territorial or hospital) within 5 years of your resignation. Otherwise, you must pay back your voluntary severance.