Advances in step and grade in the civil service
Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
If you are a civil servant, you benefit, during your career, from advances in step and possibly in grade. We present the general conditions of these advances in the public service of State (FPE), territorial (FPT) and hospital (FPH).
What is advancement in step?
Step progression is the change from one step to the next higher step within the same grade.
The advancement of the step is reflected in an increase in your index treatment.
Progression to a higher step has not no effect on the functions you perform.
Progression of step is yours automatically granted based on your seniority.
However, the special status of your body may provide that advancement in step is also a function of your professional value.
The special status may also provide for special steps, access to which may be restricted.
The particular status of each corps shall define, for each grade, the number of steps and the length of service required to progress from one step to the next.
Example :
The rank of teacher in normal-class schools (1er grade of the school teachers' corps) has 11 levels.
The service periods required to move from one step to another are as follows:
What is a seniority bonus?
You are entitled to a seniority subsidy if you exercise in a urban area where particularly difficult social and security problems.
A seniority enhancement consists of a reduction of the service life required to advance from one step to the next within a rank.
Thus, as soon as you prove at least 3 years of continuous services in a sensitive urban area, you are automatically granted a bonus under the following conditions:
- One-month seniority bonus for each of these three years
- Seniority increase of 2 months per year of continuous service completed beyond 3e year.
This includes police officers and teachers.
Example :
A teacher from the normal-class schools on 3e step which exercises for 5 years in a sensitive urban area benefits from a 7-month seniority bonus and can be promoted to 4e step after one year and five months (instead of two years).
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services shall be taken into account for the advancement in step:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are considered for step advancement in your original body.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for advancement in your host corps or framework of jobs.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, parental leave periods are taken into account for advancement in step up to the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Before this date, the 1re The year of parental leave was fully taken into account for advancement in step.
The following periods were taken into account for half.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, the availability in which you are engaged in a professional activity shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease your activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
Since August 8, 2019, periods of availability to raise a child under 12 years of age are also considered for advancement in step.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
The professional activities taken into account may be all gainful, employed or self-employed activities, exercised at full-time or part-time.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you operate abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a sworn translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your advancement rights, you must transmit annually on 31 may no later than supporting documents from your business to your administration.
What is advancement?
Grade advancement is the change from one grade to a higher grade within the same grade body.
It provides access to higher functions and higher remuneration.
What are the conditions to be fulfilled to benefit from the advancement of grade?
The special status of your body shall determine the method(s) of advancement in grade: either by choice or after a professional examination or professional competition.
The special status shall also lay down the conditions to be fulfilled in order to be eligible for promotion by choice or to stand for the professional examination or competition.
These conditions include grade and step conditions.
The promotion to higher grade may be subject to a condition of minimum duration of vocational training during the career.
In certain category A bodies, advancement in grade may be subject to the prior occupation of certain posts or the prior performance of certain duties corresponding to a particularly high level of responsibility.
In this case, a professional activity carried out during a period of availability may be taken into account in order to fulfill this condition. In order to be taken into account, the nature and level of responsibility of this activity must be comparable to the jobs and functions to which advancement in grade gives access.
Advancement in grade may also be subject to difficult operating conditions or conditions entailing special duties.
How do you get a promotion?
Advancement shall take place by choice or after a professional examination or professional competition.
Choice of grade progression
Your employer administration chooses the officials it wishes to promote to a higher grade from among those who meet the conditions laid down in the special Staff Regulations.
The management guidelines shall lay down the general guidelines and criteria to be taken into account for the advances to be chosen.
Officials shall be chosen on the basis of their professional value and the acquired professional experience.
The management guidelines shall specify the conditions for taking into account the professional value and the acquired professional experience of officials, in particular by means of the following criteria:
- Diversity of background and functions performed
- Trainings taken
- Specific conditions of exercise attesting to professional commitment, adaptability and, where appropriate, the ability to supervise teams.
These conditions make it possible to take into account the professional activities carried out by officials, including trade union activity, activities carried out in other administrations or in the private sector.
The officials selected shall be listed, in order of merit, on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion board does not constitute an appointment.
The progress table is valid 1 year.
An official on the roster who has not been appointed in the course of the year may be appointed provided that he is re-appointed on the roster for the following year.
This re-registration is not automatic.
Advancement from grade to grade of choice shall be continuous from grade to grade immediately above.
Grade advancement after professional examination
The special status shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to be eligible for the professional examination and the nature of the tests of the examination.
In addition to the results of the tests, the special status of your body may provide that the selection board shall also take into account the individual files of the candidates when drawing up the list of officials admitted to the examination.
Events can be organized remotely by videoconference. In this case, the order initiating the examination shall state whether the use of videoconferencing may be requested:
- Or, only by candidates residing in a French overseas territory or abroad, with a disability, in a pregnancy situation or whose state of health so requires
- Either by any candidate.
Applicants wishing to use videoconferencing shall be informed by the organizing authority of the examination, by post or by electronic means, of the material conditions for organizing the test.
A Ministerial Order sets the number of positions available for the professional examination each year.
Public servants admitted to examination are registered on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion table does not constitute appointment in the promotion grade.
Advancement to a grade following a professional examination may, if the special status so provides, enable access to a grade other than that immediately above that which you hold.
Grade advancement after professional competition
The special status shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to be able to take part in the professional competition and the nature of the tests in the competition.
Events can be organized remotely by videoconference. In this case, the order for the opening of the competition shall indicate whether the use of videoconferencing may be requested:
- Or, only by candidates residing in a French overseas territory or abroad, with a disability, in a pregnancy situation or whose state of health so requires
- Either by any candidate.
Applicants wishing to use videoconferencing shall be informed by the organizing authority of the competition, by post or by electronic means, of the material conditions for organizing the competition.
A ministerial order sets the number of positions offered in the professional competition each year.
Public servants admitted to the competitionare registered on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion table does not constitute appointment in the promotion grade.
How many public servants can be promoted?
The special Staff Regulations of your Corps may provide that the number of advances in grade be limited to a percentage of the number of officials who fulfill the conditions.
This percentage shall be fixed by ministerial order.
It's the promotion rate.
When the promotion rate is reached and it is not possible to pronounce a promotion of grade 2 years in a row, a promotion can be pronounced on 3e year.
What's it called?
Any official receiving a grade advancement must expressly accept the post to which he is assigned in his new grade.
Failure to do so may result in his removal from the advancement roll.
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services are taken into account for the advancement of the grade:
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Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in grade.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are considered for the advancement of rank in your home body.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for the advancement of your rank in your host body or job.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, periods of parental leave are taken into account for the advancement of grade within the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Prior to that date, periods of parental leave were not taken into account for advancement.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, the availability in which you are engaged in a professional activity shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
Since August 8, 2019, periods of availability to raise a child under 12 years of age are also considered for advancement in step.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
The professional activities taken into account may be any activity gainful, employed or self-employed persons, exercised at full-time or part-time.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your promotion rights, you must transmit annually on 31 may no later than supporting documents from your business to your administration.
What is advancement in step?
Step progression is the change from one step to the next higher step within the same grade.
The advancement of the step is reflected in an increase in your index treatment.
Progression to a higher step has not no effect on functions that you exercise.
Progression of step is yours tuned automatically based on your age.
The special status of a job framework may provide for special steps, access to which may be restricted.
The specific status of each job manager defines, for each grade, the number of steps and the length of service required to move from one step to the next.
Example :
The grade of normal-class child care assistant (1er grade of the employment framework (territorial child care assistants) has 12 steps.
The service periods required to move from one step to another are as follows:
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services shall be taken into account for the advancement in step:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are considered for advancement in your original job framework.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for advancement in your host corps or framework of jobs.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, parental leave periods are taken into account for advancement in step up to the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Before this date, the 1re The year of parental leave was fully taken into account for advancement in step.
The following periods were taken into account for half.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, certain periods of availability shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
The periods of availability taken into account for the advancement in step are the availabilities taken to raise a child under 12 years of age and those during which you are engaged in a professional activity.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
The professional activity taken into account may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you operate abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a sworn translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your advancement rights, you must transmit by 1er January of each year, the supporting documents from your business to your administration.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
What is advancement?
Grade advancement is the change from one grade to a higher grade within the same grade employment framework.
It provides access to higher functions and higher remuneration.
What are the conditions to be fulfilled to benefit from the advancement of grade?
The special status of your job framework establishes the method(s) of advancement in grade: either by choice or after professional examination.
The special status also lays down the conditions to be met in order to be eligible for advancement at choice or to stand for the professional examination.
These conditions include grade and step conditions.
The promotion to higher grade may be subject to a condition of minimum duration of vocational training during the career.
Please note
The law provides for the advancement of a grade to be made after a professional competition, but this method of advancement is not currently provided for by any employment officer.
In certain categories of category A posts, advancement in grade may be conditional on the prior occupation of certain posts or the prior performance of certain duties corresponding to a particularly high level of responsibility.
In this case, a professional activity carried out during a period of availability may be taken into account in order to fulfill this condition. In order to be taken into account, the nature and level of responsibility of this activity must be comparable to the jobs and functions to which advancement in grade gives access.
Advancement in grade may also be subject to difficult operating conditions or conditions entailing special duties.
How do you get a promotion?
Advancement shall take place by choice or after a professional examination or professional competition.
Choice of grade progression
Your employer administration chooses the officials it wishes to promote to a higher grade from among those who meet the conditions laid down in the special Staff Regulations.
The management guidelines shall lay down the general guidelines and criteria to be taken into account for the advances to be chosen.
Officials shall be chosen on the basis of their professional value and the acquired professional experience.
The management guidelines shall specify the conditions for taking into account the professional value and the acquired professional experience of officials, in particular by means of the following criteria:
- Diversity of background and functions performed
- Trainings taken
- Specific conditions of exercise attesting to professional commitment, adaptability and, where appropriate, the ability to supervise teams.
These conditions make it possible to take into account the professional activities carried out by officials, including trade union activity, activities carried out in other administrations or in the private sector.
The selected public servants shall be registered, by order of merit, on an annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion board does not constitute an appointment.
The progress table is valid 1 year.
An official on the roster who has not been appointed in the course of the year may be appointed provided that he is re-appointed on the roster for the following year.
This re-registration is not automatic.
Advancement from grade to grade of choice shall be continuous from grade to grade immediately above.
Grade advancement after professional examination
The special status shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to be eligible for the professional examination and the nature of the tests of the examination.
Events can be organized remotely by videoconference. In this case, the order initiating the examination shall state whether the use of videoconferencing may be requested:
- Or, only by candidates residing in a French overseas territory or abroad, with a disability, in a pregnancy situation or whose state of health so requires
- Either by any candidate.
Applicants wishing to use videoconferencing shall be informed by the organizing authority of the examination, by post or by electronic means, of the material conditions for organizing the test.
The employer administration shall select the officials it wishes to promote from among those admitted to the professional examination.
Public servants are selected on the basis of their professional value.
The selected officials shall be registered,in order of merit, on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion board does not constitute an appointment.
The advancement in grade following a professional examination may, if the special Staff Regulations so provide, allow access to a grade other than that immediately higher than that of the official.
How many public servants can be promoted?
The maximum number of officials eligible for promotion to a promotion grade shall be equal to the number of officials eligible for promotion multiplied by a promotion rate.
The rate of promotion shall be fixed by the deliberative assembly after consulting the Social Committee.
What's it called?
Any official receiving a grade advancement must expressly accept the post to which he is assigned in his new grade.
Failure to do so may result in his removal from the advancement roll.
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services are taken into account for the advancement of the grade:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in grade.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are taken into account for the advancement of grade in your original employment.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for the advancement of your rank in your host body or job.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, periods of parental leave are taken into account for the advancement of grade within the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Prior to that date, periods of parental leave were not taken into account for advancement.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, certain periods of availability shall be taken into account for the advancement in grade.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
The periods of availability taken into account for the advancement of grade are the availabilities taken to raise a child under 12 years of age and those during which you exercise a professional activity.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
The professional activity taken into account may be any gainful employment, whether employed or self-employed, exercised at full-time or part-time.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you operate abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a sworn translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your promotion rights, you must transmit annually on 1er January by supporting documents from your business to your administration.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
What is advancement in step?
Step progression is the change from one step to the next higher step within the same grade.
The advancement of the step is reflected in an increase in your index treatment.
Progression to a higher step has not no effect on the functions you perform.
Progression of step is yours automatically granted based on your seniority.
The special status of a body may provide special steps, access to which may be restricted.
The particular status of each corps shall define, for each grade, the number of steps and the length of service required to progress from one step to the next.
Example :
The rank of normal class caregiver (1er grade of the nursing and childcare workers' corps of the hospital public service) comprises 11 steps.
The service periods required to move from one step to another are as follows:
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services shall be taken into account for the advancement in step:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are considered for step advancement in your original body.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for advancement in your host corps or framework of jobs.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, parental leave periods are taken into account for advancement in step up to the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Before this date, the 1re The year of parental leave was fully taken into account for advancement in step.
The following periods were taken into account for half.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, certain periods of availability shall be taken into account for the advancement in step.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
The periods of availability taken into account for the advancement in step are the availabilities taken to raise a child under 12 years of age and those during which you are engaged in a professional activity.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
The professional activity taken into account may be any gainful employment, whether employed or self-employed, exercised at full-time or part-time.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you operate abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a sworn translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your advancement rights, you must transmit annually on 31 may at the latest, supporting documents from your business to your administration.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
What is advancement?
Grade advancement is the change from one grade to a higher grade within the same grade body.
It allows access to a higher remuneration and possibly new functions.
What are the conditions to be fulfilled to benefit from the advancement of grade?
The special status of your body shall determine the method(s) of advancement in grade: either by choice or after a professional examination or professional competition.
The special status shall also lay down the conditions to be fulfilled in order to be eligible for promotion by choice or to stand for the professional examination or competition.
These conditions include grade and step conditions.
If the special status of your body so provides, you may benefit from a reduction in the seniority required if you hold certain qualifications or diplomas.
The promotion to higher grade may be subject to a condition of minimum duration of vocational training during the career.
In certain category A bodies, advancement in grade may be subject to the prior occupation of certain posts or the prior performance of certain duties corresponding to a particularly high level of responsibility.
In this case, a professional activity carried out during a period of availability may be taken into account in order to fulfill this condition. In order to be taken into account, the nature and level of responsibility of this activity must be comparable to the jobs and functions to which advancement in grade gives access.
Advancement in grade may also be subject to difficult operating conditions or conditions entailing special duties.
How do you get a promotion?
Advancement shall take place by choice or after a professional examination or professional competition.
Choice of grade progression
Your employing institution shall select the officials it wishes to promote to a higher grade from among those who fulfill the conditions laid down in the special Staff Regulations.
The management guidelines shall lay down the general guidelines and criteria to be taken into account for the advances to be chosen.
Public servants are selected on the basis of their professional value and experience gained.
The management guidelines shall specify the conditions for taking into account the professional value and the acquired professional experience of officials, in particular by means of the following criteria:
- Diversity of background and functions performed
- Trainings taken
- Specific conditions of exercise attesting to professional commitment, adaptability and, where appropriate, the ability to supervise teams.
These conditions make it possible to take into account the professional activities carried out by officials, including trade union activity, activities carried out in other administrations or in the private sector.
The selected officials shall be registered,in order of merit, on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion board does not constitute an appointment.
The progress table is valid 1 year.
An official on the roster who has not been appointed in the course of the year may be appointed provided that he is re-appointed on the roster for the following year.
This re-registration is not automatic.
Advancement from grade to grade of choice shall be continuous from grade to grade immediately above.
Grade advancement after professional examination
The special status shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to be eligible for the professional examination and the nature of the tests of the examination.
In addition to the results of the tests, the special status of your body may provide that the selection board shall also take into account the individual files of the candidates when drawing up the list of officials admitted to the examination.
Events can be organized remotely by videoconference. In this case, the order initiating the examination shall state whether the use of videoconferencing may be requested:
- Or, only by candidates residing in a French overseas territory or abroad, with a disability, in a pregnancy situation or whose state of health so requires
- Either by any candidate.
Applicants wishing to use videoconferencing shall be informed by the organizing authority of the examination, by post or by electronic means, of the material conditions for organizing the test.
Public servants admitted to examination are registered on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion table does not constitute appointment in the promotion grade.
Advancement to a grade following a professional examination may, if the special status so provides, enable access to a grade other than that immediately above that which you hold.
Grade advancement after professional competition
The special status shall lay down the conditions to be met in order to be able to take part in the professional competition and the nature of the tests in the competition.
Events can be organized remotely by videoconference. In this case, the order for the opening of the competition shall indicate whether the use of videoconferencing may be requested:
- Or, only by candidates residing in a French overseas territory or abroad, with a disability, in a pregnancy situation or whose state of health so requires
- Either by any candidate.
Applicants wishing to use videoconferencing shall be informed by the organizing authority of the competition, by post or by electronic means, of the material conditions for organizing the competition.
A ministerial order sets the number of positions offered in the professional competition each year.
Public servants admitted to the competitionare registered on a annual progress table.
Officials shall be appointed in the promotion grade, as and when vacancies arise, in the order in which they are entered on the table.
The only entry on the promotion table does not constitute appointment in the promotion grade.
How many public servants can be promoted?
The special Staff Regulations of your Corps may provide that the number of advances in grade be limited to a percentage of the number of officials who fulfill the conditions.
This percentage shall be fixed by ministerial order.
It's the promotion rate.
When the promotion rate is reached and it is not possible to pronounce a promotion of grade 2 years in a row, a promotion can be pronounced on 3e year.
What's it called?
Any official receiving a grade advancement must expressly accept the post to which he is assigned in his new grade.
Failure to do so may result in his removal from the advancement roll.
What services are considered for advancement?
The following services shall be taken into account for the advancement of the grade:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Services performed in activity position shall be taken into account for the advancement in grade.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Services performed in the position of detachment are considered for the advancement of rank in your home body.
And if you are seconded to the public service, they are also taken into account for the advancement of your rank in your host body or job.
Periods of part-time work shall be treated as full-time periods.
Parental Leave
As of August 8, 2019, periods of parental leave are taken into account for the advancement of grade within the limit of 5 years for your entire career.
Prior to that date, periods of parental leave were not taken into account for advancement.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have parental leave and availability to raise a child, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.
Since September 7, 2018, certain periods of availability shall be taken into account for the advancement of grade.
Advancement rights shall be retained for a maximum of 5 years of availability.
The periods of availability taken into account for the advancement of grade are the availabilities taken to raise a child under 12 years of age and those during which you exercise a professional activity.
You can work during periods of availability granted for any of the following reasons:
- Cease activity for personal convenience
- Follow your spouse or partner of Civil partnerships: titleContent obliged to move for professional reasons
- Create or resume a company
- Provide care to a dependent child, your Civil partnership or partner, or a relative in the ascending line with a disability that requires someone else's presence, or as a result of an accident or critical illness
- To carry out studies or research of general interest.
The professional activity taken into account may be any gainful activity, whether employed or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis.
If it is a paid employment, it must represent a working time of at least 600 hours per year.
You must provide your administration with copies of your salary slips and your employment contract.
If you operate abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a sworn translator.
If it is a self-employed activity, it must provide you with an annual gross income at least equal to €6,990.
You must submit the following documents to your administration:
- Proof of registration your activity in the National company Register (NCR)
- A copy of your tax notice or any certified accounting evidence that your business provides you with gross annual income of at least €6,990.
If you are working abroad, these documents must be accompanied by their translation into French by a certified translator.
If you are on standby for creating or resuming a companyHowever, no income condition is required.
To retain your promotion rights, you must transmit annually on 31 may no later than supporting documents from your business to your administration.
As of August 8, 2019, if you have availability to raise a child and parental leave, you retain your promotion rights during these 2 periods up to a total of 5 years.