BCG: tuberculosis vaccine

Verified 30 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

What about the TB vaccine requirement (BCG)? It is now suspended. This vaccine is therefore no longer required. However, getting vaccinated remains highly recommended for some children residing in France regardless of their nationality. It can be done in a Maternal and Child Protection Center (PMI) for example without an advance payment. Here are some of the highlights to know.

The BCG vaccination requirement no longer exists for children.

However, vaccination is highly recommended at birth for some children.

One order of priority according to 3 levels has been established by the health authorities. Currently, BCG vaccination is of priority level 1.


Health and social workers are no longer required to be vaccinated against TB.

1st level

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General case

Vaccination is intended for children under 5 years of age (including those from Île-de-France) with an identified risk factor for tuberculosis:

  • Child born in a country with a high TB burden (Examples: Africa, Asia except Japan, many countries in the Middle and Near East, Central and South America, Central and Eastern Europe)
  • A child with at least one parent from one of these countries
  • Child to stay at least one month in a row in one of these countries
  • Children with a recent case of tuberculosis (less than 5 years) in their environment
  • Children in any situation deemed by the doctor to be at risk of exposure to TB, including children living in unfavorable housing conditions (insecure or overcrowded housing) or unfavorable or precarious socio-economic conditions (particularly among beneficiaries of TB universal disease protection, the complementary health solidarity...), a child living with adults from a country with a high TB burden.

Guyana and Mayotte

Vaccination is a priority for all newborns before discharge from the maternity ward.

2nd level

Vaccination is intended for children aged under 5 years whose only risk factor is Île-de-France.

3rd Level

Vaccination is intended for children 5 to 15 years of age revolus with an identified risk factor for tuberculosis and after tuberculin testing.

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General case

Vaccination is recommended from 1 month of age for children at high risk of tuberculosis.

The vaccine may also be offered up to 15 years, in unvaccinated children at risk.


For children who have a close relative with recent tuberculosis (less than 5 years), vaccination is recommended before discharge from the maternity ward.

Guyana and Mayotte

Children born in Mayotte or Guyana should receive this vaccine as a priority and before discharge from the maternity ward.

BCG may be done by doing the following:

  • In a Maternal and Child Protection Center (PMI)
  • In a free vaccination center
  • At a center for TB control (CLAT)
  • In maternity.

Prescription, dispensing and vaccination are carried out on site.

Your city hall can also give you the address of the organizations closest to you.

Who shall I contact

Yes, this vaccine is fully covered by the Health Insurance.

Please note

This vaccine is not currently available in pharmacies.

If you notice an adverse effect on your health, following vaccination, you can report it on the portal "Health reporting":

Health reporting