What laws apply when you leave French waters?

Verified 25 May 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

When you leave French waters and sail through the territorial waters of a foreigner country (or contiguous zone), the laws of the coastal State shall apply.

However, in the case of a birth, a death or the conclusion of a contract on board, it is the flag law which applies. Flag law shall also apply in the case of navigation in high seas.


if you leave French waters and/or return with a sum of money, title or value (cash, checks or currency) greater than €10,000, you must make a declaration to the french customs.

When you are subject to controls (e.g. customs, health, immigration, vessel equipment), you must have your passport and your boat license according to the type of navigation practiced.

You can be arrested and tried by a State of which you are not a national. The French consular authorities cannot object.

To find out about the laws of the coastal country, you should contact the foreigners Embassy or Consulate in France before departure.

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