How can a full-time employee go part-time?

Verified 28 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If the employee works full-time (CDI or CDD) and wants to work part-time, the conditions differ depending on whether or not a collective agreement or of a company agreement.

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A convention or agreement shall apply

A collective agreement or company agreement or of establishment may lay down the conditions for setting up part-time working hours.

In this case, the 3 following conditions provision must be made for:

  • Conditions under which employees of the company may be employed full-time or part-time
  • Procedure for applying to the employer for a full-time employee wishing to work part-time
  • Time allowed to the employer to give a reasoned reply to the employee in particular in case of refusal

An employee who wishes to work part-time shall be given priority in the allocation of one of the following jobs:

  • Employment of the same occupational category or equivalent as full-time employment
  • Employment with characteristics different from full-time employment if provided for in the collective agreement or company agreement

The employer must inform the employees of the list of corresponding jobs available.

Employer's agreement

The employee works part-time after agreement with his employer.

He signs a agreeable to his employment contract.


The employee may also benefit, under conditions, from an annualized part-time for family reasons, or a reduction in working time for creating or resuming a company or part-time parental leave.

Refusal of the employer

The employer shall explain the reasons for his refusal to the employee under the conditions laid down in the collective agreement or company agreement; or of establishment.


The employee may also benefit, under conditions, from an annualized part-time for family reasons, or a reduction in working time for creating or resuming a company or part-time parental leave.

There is no convention to the agreement

In the absence of a collective agreement or company agreement, or of establishment, the employee wishing to work part-time shall send his request to his employer by letter with RAR: titleContent.

The application must indicate the desired duration of work and the envisaged date for the implementation of the new schedule.

The request must be made at least 6 months before the planned implementation date of the new schedule.

The employer must respond to the employee within 3 months who follow the request, by letter with RAR: titleContent.

The employer is free to accept or refuse the employee's request.

The consequences for the employee's employment contract are as follows:

Employer's agreement

The employee works part-time after agreement with his employer.

He signs a agreeable to his employment contract.


The employee may also benefit, under conditions, from an annualized part-time for family reasons, or a reduction in working time for creating or resuming a company or part-time parental leave.

Refusal of the employer

The employer may refuse the employee's request.

In this case, the employer must justify its refusal on one of the following grounds:

  • There is either no available employment in the employee's occupational category or equivalent employment (for example, if a part-time position is available among employees, the employer is entitled to refuse to allow an executive to take back the position)
  • Either the request for part-time work does not correspond to the proper functioning of the company


The employee may also benefit, under conditions, from an annualized part-time for family reasons, or a reduction in working time for creating or resuming a company or part-time parental leave.

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