Conversion Leave

Verified 16 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Conversion leave shall enable an employee whose economic dismissal is envisaged to benefit, subject to conditions, from measures intended to promote his reclassification. We present you with the information you need to know.

Conversion leave provides for measures to promote reclassification an employee who is likely to be dismissed for economic reasons. The latter may benefit from the following:

  • Support for a reclassification support structure
  • Evaluation report
  • Training or adaptation measures with a view to rapid reintegration into the labor market.

An employee may be granted conversion leave if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Proposed termination of employment
  • Signature by the company of a conversion leave agreement with the Government
  • Volunteering of the employee to join this leave.

The employer shall determine the duration of the leave.

The leave lasts at least 4 months.

It corresponds to at least 65% the average gross remuneration for the last 12 months preceding the date of taking leave.

At a minimum, the amount of the allowance must be €9.90 per hour, multiplied by the collective working time fixed in the company (either €1,501.88 if the company applies the 35 hours).

Yes, during the period of conversion leave, the employment contract is suspended. The employee is therefore exempt from activity in his enterprise during this period.

If the employee has not found a new job during the leave, the employer may dismiss him for economic motive.

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