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Attestation on the honor of an individual of non-participation in 2 other sales at the unpacking (Model document)
Unpacking sale organized by
[Name and address of the association or collective]
, on
Attestation on honor
I, the undersigned
[First Name, Last Name]
born on
[Date of birth]
[Place of birth]
and domiciled
[Full address]
, a non-professional participant in the sale for unpacking referred to above, shall declare in honor:
have not participated in any other sale of the same nature in the year,
or have participated in only one other sale in the same year to
I also declare on my honor that the goods offered for sale are personal and used objects.
Done at
, on
Verified 29 January 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
For details, please use the practical information sheets :