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Pay your fine online at fines.gouv.fr (Online service)
Ministry of Finance
Allows you to pay a flat-rate fine or a flat-rate fine increased for an infringement (contravention or offense) detected by an automated control system (radar) or by electronic report.
Prepare your credit card and the payment card.
The payment card is on the ticket notice.
You must specify the telepayment number and the wrench on the payment card.
Amount to be paid within a specified period following certain traffic offenses and without going through a court. The amount may be reduced or increased depending on the date of payment.
Offense classified in 5 categories, ranging from the least serious (1st class ticket) to the most serious (5e class). The penalty is a fine not exceeding €1,500, or €3,000 in the case of a repeat offense.
Act prohibited by law and punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment of less than 10 years