Single application for a basic retirement pension (paid employment, agricultural, professional, craft, commercial or cultural activity) (Form)

National old-age insurance fundAutre numéro : S 5136i

This form allows you to apply for your basic survivor's pension from a single organization for all of the following activities that your deceased spouse or former spouse performed:

  • Employee, head of company, collaborating partner, craftsman, merchant and industrialist, etc. (Pension Insurance)
  • Agricultural worker, farm manager or farm company, worker and family helper (MSA: titleContent)
  • Liberal professional (CARCDSF, CARMF, Carpimko, CARPV, Cavamac, Cavec, Cavom, CAVP, Cipav, CPRN, Ircec) except lawyer (CNBF)
  • Minister of Worship or Religion (Cavimac)

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Verified 27 September 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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