Application for a Work Medal of Honor - by mail (Form 11796*01)

Ministry of Labor - Cerfa n° 11796*01

Allows an employee living in one of the following departments to apply for a work honor medal:

Hautes-Alpes (05)

Gold Rating (21)

Eure-et-Loir (28)

Lozère (48)

Savoie (73)

La Réunion (974)

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (975)

Mayotte (976)

French Polynesia (987)

New Caledonia (988)

The request must be sent, depending on the employee's department of residence:

  • Either to the prefecture
  • Either to the sub-prefecture
  • Either to the Departmental Directorate responsible for Employment, Labor and Solidarity (DDETS or DDETS-PP, ex-Direct)

Please note

you should consult the website of these organizations (or contact at least one of them) to find out who is in charge of medal of honor applications for work in your department.

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 24 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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