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Querying the Wills File (Online Service)
When settling an estate, you can query the CDDFCDDF : Central Last Wills Layout File, commonly referred to as file of wills, and thus to know whether there is a will or acts expressing the last wishes of the deceased.
The operation is as follows:
- You enter the requested information online
- You send by post to the address indicated the death certificate of the person concerned by the search, the payment if it was not made online and the coupon of request bearing his identification number
- You will receive an email confirming that your request has been received by the FCDDV
Upon receipt of the documents, the FCDDV service validates your request and sends you the result of the search.
Please note
you can also ask your notary directly to perform the FCDDV inquiry on your behalf.
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
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Émetteur de la démarche en ligne : Notaries of France
Verified 28 August 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)