Claim for Hidden Defect (Document Template)

[Your name]

[Your contact information]


I bought you [product name and type] the [date of purchase and, where applicable, delivery] , for the sum of [product price] .

However, the [Date of occurrence of defect] However, I have seen the following shortcomings [Description of defects] .

These defects make my product unfit for use/reduce its use so much that I would not have bought it at this price.

I believe that these defects are hidden defects and existed at the time of purchase.

That is why I would like you to apply the guarantee that every purchaser enjoys for hidden defects and described in article 1641 of the Civil Code.

I would like to:

[Choose between full refund or discount]

  • Return the product and be fully refunded
  • Benefit from a reduction of [......€] because i decide to keep it

I would also remind you that, according to article 1645 of the Civil Code, if the seller knew of the defects in his product, he is obliged, in addition to the return of prices he received, to pay all damages to the buyer.

Therefore, I also wish to receive compensation from [......€] for the costs incurred.

In total, I request the payment of [total refund/reduction + compensation] as soon as possible.

Please accept my distinguished greetings.


Verified 29 April 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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