Declaration of an untimed walk or run on the public highway (Form 15825*02)
Ministry of Sports - Cerfa n° 15825*02
The declaration shall be filed at least 1 month before the demonstration at the following authority:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
The event takes place in France
The event takes place in a single municipality
The declaration must be made with the mayor.
In Paris, the declaration must be made with the police prefect.
Who shall I contact
The event takes place in several communes of the same department
The declaration must be made with the prefect.
The event takes place in 2 to 19 departments
The declaration must be made with the prefect of each department crossed.
The event takes place in 20 or more departments
The declaration must be made with the prefect of each department crossed and Ministry of the Interior.
The protest is from the foreigner
The event takes place in a single department in France
The declaration must be made with the prefect of the department of entry to France.
The event takes place in 2 to 19 departments
The declaration must be made with the prefect of the department of entry to France and the prefect of each department crossed.
The event takes place in 20 or more departments
The declaration must be made with the prefect of the department of entry to France, the prefect of each department crossed and Ministry of the Interior.
She duty be accompanied by the following:
- Information on how to organize and settle the event
- Provisions ensuring the safety and protection of participants and third parties
- List of flagpersons
- Detailed itinerary and table summarizing the list of lanes used, requested traffic regime and corresponding time slot
- Certificate of insurance policy taken out by the organizer
Go to the online administrative form
Verified 22 February 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
To whom shall I send this form ?
For details, please use the practical information sheets :
J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative
Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.