DICEM - Declaration and identification of certain motor vehicles: quad, mini motorcycle, dirt bike, moto-cross... - Declaration of a change: contact details, civil status of a natural person and/or information of a legal person (Form 16230*03)

Ministry of the Interior - Cerfa n° 16230*03

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser :

Declaration of an unapproved gear

You have declared an unregistered gear and your situation has changed since the declaration?

This form allows you to:

  • Declare a change of marital status
  • Declare a change of address for you or a legal entity
  • Link or unlink a legal person from your profile

You must report in the 48 hours according to the modification.

The form specifies the documents to be attached.

Go to the online administrative form

Verified 26 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

To whom shall I send this form ?

For details, please use the practical information sheets :

J'ai réalisé une démarche administrative

Je donne mon avis sur Services Publics +. L'administration concernée me répondra.