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Carte grise Simplimat.gouv: smartphone app for declaring the sale of a vehicle and requesting your new
National Securities Agency (NSA)
Simplimat is the official application of the State to simplify the administrative procedures of private individuals who sell or buy a used vehicle.
Seller and Buyer together carry out the declaration of assignment.
The procedure is fully secure and dematerialized (no need to fill in a paper cerfa form).
Carte grise The buyer can order his new one immediately and obtain his provisional certificate of registration (CIP).
The application only supports vehicles registered in the new format (AA-123-AA) and vehicles of type VP, TM, QM, QLEM, CL, CYCL, CTTE, MTL, MTT1 or MTT2.
These include passenger cars, tricycles and quadricycles, two- or three-wheel mopeds, and motorcycles.