Site third party reporting of an accident (Online Service)

National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam)

As a victim of an accident caused by a third party, you must make the declaration even if you have some responsibility for the occurrence of the accident, as soon as it has given rise to medical care (hospital, doctor's consultation, radio, work stoppage, medicines...).

You are concerned, if you are the victim:

  • From a traffic accident (car, bicycle, pedestrian, scooter, wheelchair, ...)
  • An incident in the playground or during a physical education and sports session
  • Accidents in sports or leisure (match, outing or supervised activity...)
  • From a bite or fall caused by an animal
  • From an accident caused by an object belonging to a third party (fall of a flower pot from a balcony, a tile or a tree branch...)
  • Medical accident (medical accident at fault or not at fault, delay in diagnosis, operational complication, infection acquired in hospital...)
  • A fall due to poor road maintenance
  • An injury caused as part of a volunteer activity (such as helping with a move or a wheel change).
  • Deliberate bodily harm (with complaint and record of injury).

Go to the online procedure

Verified 05 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

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